On January 21, 2021 from 10am to 12.40 am webinars were organized as part of the
CEI project.
The program included a series of 4 lectures in Polish:
10.00 am: Lecture 1: Źródła promieniowania jonizującego stosowane w procesach sterylizacji radiacyjnej (Ionizing radiation sources used in the process of radiation sterilization)
(Dr. Zbigniew Zimek)
10.55 am: Lecture 2: Mikrobiologiczne aspekty procesu sterylizacji radiacyjnej ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości sterylizacji wirusów (Microbiological aspects of the process of radiation sterilization with the emphasis of virus sterilization possibility)
(Dr. Sylwester Sommer)
11.35 am: Lecture 3: Wpływ promieniowania jonizującego na właściwości fizykochemiczne i funkcjonalne materiałów (Ionising radiation influence on the physico-chemical and functional properties of the materials)
(DSc eng. Krystyna Cieśla)
12.30 am: Lecture 4: Sterylizacja radiacyjna sprzętu medycznego, środków ochrony indywidualnej oraz innych przedmiotów zakażonych mikrobiologicznie (Radiation sterilization of medical equipment, personal protection equipment, and the other microbiologically infected objects)
(Dr. eng. Andrzej Rafalski, mgr inż. Magdalena Rzepna)
The following issues were discussed during the meeting:
• the interaction of ionizing radiation with matter, comparison of gamma radiation and electron beam,
• biological effects of radiation and microbiological aspects of the radiation sterilization process,
• the problems of possible changes in the functional properties of the particular materials during the sterilization processing,
• radiation sterilization of medical devices.
Participation in the webinars was free. A total of ca. 140 people participated in the meetings, representing universities, research institutes, companies and producer organizations, sanitary and epidemiological stations, and standardization committees. Participants received certificates of participation.