On the 13th and 14th of September 2017 took place a kick-off meeting for ARIES WP3 -Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society. The event followed the NUTECH-2017 International Conference on the Developments and Applications of Nuclear Technologies, which was organized in Krakow (AGH University of Science and Technology) between 10th and 13th September 2017. The main objectives of ARIES WP3 kick-off meeting were the overview of the applications to be studied by ARIES (first day of the meeting) and presentation of the obligations and plans for future by each partner (second day of the meeting). During the first session the presentations were delivered by Dr Zimek (Poland), Prof. Chmielewski (Poland), Mr Frank-Holm Roegner (Germany) and Mr Philippe Dethier (Belgium). Talks concerned the state-of-art applications of Electron Beam technologies and new compact Rhodotron. Second session of presentations was delivered by Dr Aleksandr Bryazgin (Russia), Dr Angeles Faus-Golfe (Spain), Prof. Rob Edgecock (Great Britain) and Mr Pedro Calvo (Spain). Lecturers focused on ILU-type industrial electron accelerators, applications of high energy electron beams, production of novel radioisotopes and new compact cyclotron. Second day of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of each partner and the tasks undertaken in each institution. All of the presentations during the kick-off meeting were followed by lively and fruitful discussions between lecturers and listeners. The meeting was also completed by dinner, which took place in the restaurant “Ariel” placed in the historical district Kazimierz in Kraków. More information is available on the web-page of the meeting https://indico.cern.ch/event/659942/.