The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology has been specializing for many years in control of the leakproofness of production systems and facilities, underground and ground tanks and underground gas and liquid pipelines by radioisotope marker methods.
Our field teams comprise very experienced staff, licensed by the National Atomic Energy Agency. We have specialized equipment for field generation of various radioisotope markers suitable for marking different types of media. Our hardware includes dosing and measuring equipment and detectors for leakproofness tests performed inside pipelines. We use special absorptive materials matching the markers.
Our method is based on filling the tested facility with (primarily) gaseous methyl bromide labeled with bromine Br82.Following mixing with the control or working medium the marker travels to the leak site and is captured by either natural (soil, thermal insulation) or artificial (special materials installed before test). In case of soil absorption, the marker migrates towards the surface. Radiometric detection can be carried out through layers of soil up to 5 meters thick and enables identification and precise positioning of the leak. Special follow-up detectors moving inside the pipeline together with the control medium are used for tests of underground pipelines with cleanout chambers.No a absorbents are used for tests of valves and exchangers.
We are performing leakproofness tests including precise localization of leaks using radioisotope marker methods at :
- underground liquid and gas pipelines (Φ 200-600mm) with cleanout chambers - with sensitivity of up to 0,5 dcm3/h for liquids and 5 g/h for gases (output from the smallest detected at localized leak) and underground liquid and gas pipelines (Φ ≥ 600mm) without cleanout chambers - with sensitivity of up to 1,0 dcm3/h for liquids and 10 g/h for gases
- underground and ground pipelines (of all diameters) for gas and liquids without cleanout chambers with sensitivity up to 1,0 dcm3/h for liquids and 10 g/h for gas
- gate valves in pipelines for all media
- underground tanks and ground tank bottoms with sensitivity related to the tank volume
- petrochemical and chemical industry installations with sensitivity of 30 cm3/h. Tests are performed without removal of inner and outside lining, installation of scaffoldings and removal of catalysts
- other installations and structures subject to individual arrangements
Our methods are recognized by the Office of Technical Inspection. Our long experience gained during various projects carried out for PKN Orlen Płock, Gdańsk Refinery, Przedsiębiorstwo Eksploatacji Rurociągów Naftowych (PERN) in Płock and other clients stands evidence to the quality of results and efficiency of the method.
In terms of costs, using radioisotope markers for leakproofness tests is cheaper than traditional methods. All our prices are negotiable.
We can offer supply of all equipment needed for generation of gaseous methyl bromide from pre-activated potassium bromide (picture.1)