Even routine monitoring of mass-produced and imported from various countries to Poland and other European Union countries, food is not able to provide consumer full protection against serious diseases transmitted by food. These diseases are caused by the presence of pathogens such as Salmonella, Camphylobacter, Listeria or Esterischa Coli, which can occur for example in meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits, spices, etc. Bacteria which caused more than 1000 people’s infection (14 died) in Germany are a dangerous example of possibility of unexpected infections caused by food. Food hygienisation (pasteurization), total disposal of pathogens in food, is the most reliable way to prevent unexpected biological contamination of food. For example thermal pasteurization which is effective for liquid products (milk, juices, beer) but having not applied to solid food is widely used. Radiation pasteurization is the most effective, versatile solid food hygienization method, which involves controlled ionization of food (killing microorganisms outside and inside hygienized product). In 1984 the method received approbation of committee of experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as a safe method as other methods of pasteurization, completely harmless to potential consumers. Food undergoes radiation pasteurization is safety in terms of microbiological and toxicological and keeps its nutritional values. The method is widely used for example in the United States A. P. limiting the number of diseases and deaths cases caused by food-borne microorganisms.

The Station of Radiation Preservation of Crops
The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
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In Poland , since 1990 the Plant for Crops Irradiation (ONCT) which is equipped with two electron accelerators has been in operation.
Availability of specialized laboratory which allows products monitoring is essential requirement for the use of radiation pasteurization and acceptance on the domestic market hygienized by this method products (determined by the global international bodies (WHO/FAO) and in EU directives and Polish Minister of Health Regulation with executive power in Poland). This type of laboratory (accredited unit) operates in the INCT since 1999, performing numerous tests for foreign contractors and domestic contractors (less). .

The Plant for Radiation Preservation of Food Products
The Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
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The Institute is conducting research into the use of stable isotopes for food control for over ten years. Methods of analyzing isotopic composition of food in order to determine the authenticity of its origin are the main direction of research and implementation projects conducted in the Stable Isotopes Laboratory INCT. The examinations are based on the identification of isotopic characteristics of food related with place of origin and production method of food. The isotopic composition of the main elements contained in food i.e. carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and isotopic composition of water contained in food (oxygen and hydrogen) are the basic source of identification. Currently, stable isotopes methods are unrivaled in identification and control of origin and the subject of legislation in European Union countries. Usefulness of the methods has been repeatedly tested in different cases related with illicit food flow with adulterated transport documents. During closure of some markets such as during the embargo on beef from Great Britain it was possible to identify isotopic beef from this area compared with meat from other areas of the world. Currently, the laboratory has implemented accepted isotopic method of control of wine, honey and fruit juices (PN – ENV 12140, 12141, 12142, 1307). Ongoing works on the relation between the isotopic composition and origin: meat, eggs and oil in the short time should allow taking control of these products.