Conference in the Senate of The Republic of Poland
on the occasion of
the International Year of Chemistry IYC 2011
and the Year of Maria Skłodowska-Curie MSC-100
Chemistry in development and civilization progress
7 June 2011

Conference program
11.00 – 11.20
Opening of the conference
- Bogdan Borusewicz, Speaker of the RP Senate
- Prof. Bogusław Buszewski, President of the Polish Chemical Society
- Prof. Barbara Kudrycka, Minister of Science and Higher Education
- Prof. Michał Kleiber, President of the Polish Academy of Sciences
First part of the conference
11.20 – 11.45
Prof. Barbara Kudrycka (Ministry of Science and Higher Education)
Science in the civilization development
11.45 – 12.05
Prof. Małgorzata Witko (the Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences)
Woman in science over the centuries
12.05 – 12.30
Prof. Bogusław Buszewski (Nicolas Copernicus University/Polish Chemical Society)
Maria Skłodowska-Curie – her life and achievements
12.30 – 12.55
M. Sc. Małgorzata Sobieszczak-Marciniak (Polish Chemical Society / Museum of Maria Skłodowska-Curie)
Museum of Maria Skłodowska-Curie, its role and importance for the present and posterity
12.55 – 13.30
Coffee/Tea Break
Milestones of the Polish chemistry, Maria Skłodowska-Curie her life and achievements
Second part of conference
13.30 – 13.55
Prof. Halina Lichocka (the Institute for the History of Science Polish Academy of Sciences)
About Ignacy Mościcki, the history of chemistry and politics
13.55 – 14.20
Prof. Janusz Rachoń (RP Senator/Gdańsk University of Technology)
The sad story of discovery that changed the world
14.20 - 14.45
Prof. Andrzej Chmielewski (the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology)
Chemistry for the future of nuclear energy
14.45 – 15.00
Summary and conclusion of conference
Polish Chemical Society, RP Senate, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Polish Academy of Sciences