environment (conservation, contamination, hazardous waste, air pollution control, waste disposal and treatment, waste recovery and utilization, water analysis and treatment);
material science (ceramics, composite materials, magnetic materials, material processing;
food science and technology (food preservation);
medical sciences (sterilization).
Currently the library has a collection of 36,000 volumes of books and 775 titles of periodicals (including about 70 current ones).
The Library collects also unconventional literature e.g. conference papers, reports of Polish and foreign atomic energy institutes.
Subscription to journals for 2011 comprises about 70 titles.
Access to the Library's collections:
Reading Room - open to the public
Loans - books and journals are lent only to the Institute's staff
Inter-Library Loans - the library makes available to other libraries its collection of books (loan period 1 month). Journals are not lent. Xerocopies (or PDFs) of articles from journals can be obtained at a charge.