J. E. Fr¹ckowiak
Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Metals, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland
The Mössbauer spectroscopy has been used to measure the hyperfine magnetic field and isomer shift of
57Fe nuclei in the ordered and disordered Fe3Al alloys. A linear correlation has
been revealed between the average hyperfine field and the average isomer shift for ordered and disordered
alloys. On the basis of the Mossbauer investigations a model describing the change of electronic
structure of Fe atoms in the Fe3Al alloys is proposed. The variation of average magnetization
in Fe-Al alloys in the range of concentration (0-50) at.% Al is calculated on a basis of determined
values of change in number of 4s-Fe and 3d-Fe electrons per one Al atom situated as the nearest neighbours
of an Fe atom. A good agreement of the model with the experimental values is found.