B. Kostrubiec, P. Kwapulinski, J. Rasek, J. Ilczuk
Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Metals, Silesian University, Bankowa 12, 40-007 Katowice, Poland
Tests were made on the kinetics of disappearance of structural defects introduced by rapid cooling from
1123 K/30' in Cu - 18%, Al - 17.2%, Zn and Cu - 17.2%, Al - 12.4% Zn at alloys. For the alloy Cu = 18.0%, Al - 12.4% Zn
two elementary processes I and II were distinguished in the temperature range 293-343 K. Process I of reaction order
g = 2 and migration activation energy E2uM
= 0.69 eV is associated with the formation and disappearance of bivacancies. Process II of reaction order g
= 1 and migration activation energy E1uM = 0.8
is associated with the disappearance of monovacancies. For the energy of binding vacancies a value of B
= 0.11 eV was obtained, and for formation energy of vacancies a value of
E1uF = 0.56 eV was obtained.