Jerzy Bigolas, Marian Jaskóła, Robert Kiełsznia, Stanisław Kuliński, Wiesław Maciszewski,
Marian Pachan, Eugeniusz Pławski
Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Świerk, Poland
In brief review, the general survey of particle accelerators' design, construction and applications
in various fields of science and technology is given. The development of accelerator physics was
initiated by Professor Soltan immediately after foundation of Institute of Nuclear Research. These
works oriented initially on accelerator for research, were after extended on numerous applications
of accelerator radiation sources in such important areas as medicine, radiation technology,
nondestructive testing, agriculture and environmental protection. Due to this broad spectrum of
different types of accelerators' design, it was necessary to master the fundamental directions of
accelerator physics and technology: theory, computation methods, metrology and production basis.
As the result of this efforts, nearly 90 of electron and ion accelerators were produced - half of
them were exported. At present nearly 70 accelerators are operating in Poland, about 20 of them
are of foreign origin.