E. Rurarz1, S. Mikołajewski1, J. Tys2
1 Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, Świerk, Poland,
2 Heavy Ion Laboratory, Warsaw University
Excitation functions for the 68Zn (p,2p) 67Cu reaction have been calculated
(from threshold up to 120 MeV) using a hybrid model based of nuclear reaction in the form of
computer codes Overlaid Alice and Alice 85/300. In this model the nucleon-nucleus interaction is
treated as proceeding through a preequilibrium phase followed by nuclear evaporation. Using this model
we hoped that below a proton energy of 100 MeV in the (p,2p) reaction both protons can be emitted
in the preequilibrium stage. The calculated excitation functions for the 682n (p,2p)
67Cu reaction have been compared with their literature values (Ep =
20-430 MeV). Unfortunately both codes completely fail to expain the discrepancies between
the experiment and the calculations. The disagreement seems to indicate that the calculation
does not account for the contribution of direct processes.