D. Grzybowska
Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, 7 Konwaliowa Str., 03-194 Warsaw, Poland
Studies on the radioactivity of marine fish have been carried out in the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection since 1982. This report summarizes the results of 137Cs determinations in the Baltic Sea fish in the years 1990-1995.
Samples were taken from southern region of the Baltic. All samples were analysed by gamma-ray-spectrometry.
The highest concentration of 137Cs was found in 1992 in the flesh of flounder - 26.4 Bq/kg w.w., the lowest determined concentration was 6.7 Bq/kg w.w. The mean 137Cs concentrations for the years 1990-1995 in 3 species: flounder, herring and cod were 11.9 ± 3.0, 11.0 ± 1.9 and 12.2 ± 2.0, respectively.
The presented data indicate certain stability of 137Cs contamination of the Baltic Sea fish in the last 6 years.