J. A. Schwabe

The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Cyclic Acceleration R&D Laboratory, 152 Radzikowskiego Str., 31-342 Krakow

This paper is a description of the automatic isochronous cyclotron, AIC-144, designed and built with the author in charge, at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow in cooperation with Polish industrial firms. The cyclotron was designed for applications in various areas of science and technology. The AIC-144 cyclotron was intended to accelerate in an adjustable energy range a wide variety of ions with the ratio of charge to atomic mass Z/A = 0.285¸1, including H-, D- ions, as well as elementary particles i.e. protons up to Ep = 60 MeV, Ibeam > 100 mA, deuterons up to Ed = 30 MeV, Ibeam > 100 m, alpha particles up to Ea = 60 MeV. The range of K-factor variation is 37¸60. The cyclotron can operate continuously or in a pulse mode. In the latter case the duty factor can be adjusted in the range of DF = 0.5¸100%. The wide energy range of the accelerated particles makes it possible to obtain maximum cross-sections for most of the nuclear reactions that result in the production of isotopes used in medicine and industry. The internal beam was obtained on 10 April 1987 and the external beam at the beginning of 1992. Presently, the AIC-144 S is considered a basic facility in the Hadron Radioteraphy Centrum Project.