Gennady P. Glazunov1, Evgeny D. Volkov1, Vladymir I. Lapshin1, Vladymir I. Tereshin1, Marek Sadowski2, Jerzy Langner2, Jacek Stanisławski2
1Institute of Plasma Physics, National Scientific Center KhIPT, 310108 Kharkov, Ukraine,
2The Andrzej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies, 05-400 Otwock-Swierk by Warsaw, Poland
The paper concerns some questions connected with the interaction of high-temperature plasma-ion fluxes with solid materials inside experimental chambers used for fusion-oriented research, and particularly inside the Torsatron-type facilities. Mechanisms of the boron carbide erosion are described and discussed. Also described is the behaviour of TiN-coated stainless-steel surfaces under the irradiation with hydrogen plasma-ion fluxes. In summary, there are described damages in the boron carbide layers and changes in the composition of the TiN-coatings.