Andrzej J. Kordyasz1, Elżbieta Nossarzewska-Orłowska2, Ernest Piasecki3, Dariusz Lipiński2, Andrzej Brzozowski2
1 Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, 5A Pasteura Str., 02-093 Warsaw, Poland
2 Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, 133 Wolczynska Str., 01-919 Warsaw, Poland
3 Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Warsaw, 69 Hoża Str., 01-919 Warsaw, Poland
A monolithic, silicon, E-DE telescope with a 20 mm thick DE detector followed by a 300 mm thick E detector based on the n-p+-n structure was produced using a new developed process named Quasi-Selective Epitaxy (QSE). The resistivity profile of the n-p+-n structure and E-DE two-dimensional contour plots obtained after irradiation of the monolithic E-DE telescope by a-particles are presented. An energy resolution of about 1 MeV was obtained.