Nebojša Nešković1, Jasna Ristić-Đurović1, Sergei B. Vorojtsov2, Petar Belicev1, Ivan A. Ivanenko2, Saša Ćirković1, Aleksei S. Vorozhtsov2, Boško Bojović1, Aleksandar Dobrosavljević1, Velibor Vujović1, Jožef J. Comor1, Snežana B. Pajović1

1 Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, P. O. Box 522, 11000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia,
2 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, Russia

The VINCY Cyclotron is the main part of the TESLA Accelerator Installation. The diameter of the pole of this machine is 2000 mm. Its bending constant is 145 MeV while its focusing constant is 75 MeV. The radiofrequency system of the machine consists of two l/4-resonators with the eigenfrequency in the range from 17 to 31 MHz. Ions coming from a heavy ion source or a light ion source will be injected into the machine axially. They will be introduced into its median plane by a spiral inflector. Heavy ions accelerated in the machine will be extracted from it by a foil stripping system or by an electrostatic deflection system. Light ions will be extracted from it by the foil stripping system. The first programs of use of the VINCY Cyclotron are related to routine and experimental production of radioisotopes and radiopharmaceuticals, and to biomedical research with ion beams. The first beam extracted from the machine will be the proton beam of the energy of 22 MeV obtained from the H2+ beam extracted from the light ion source. This beam will be used first for production of radioisotope 18F and radio-pharmaceutical 18FDG, to be employed for positron emission tomography.