Gerardo Dutto

TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, Vancouver, BC, V6T 2A3, Canada

A new series of experiments (mainly in astrophysics) began at TRIUMF in July 2001 when the ISAC-I linear accelerator started delivering radioactive ion beams (RIB) of energy up to 1.5 MeV/u. Since then the linac has operated reliably. Required improvements demand care during scheduled maintenance. More difficult was the smooth production of RIB with a 500 MeV proton beam on different target materials, where state-of-the-art techniques are being learned. Targets of CaO, Ta, SiC, Nb, and CaZrO3 have been used in combination with a surface ion source and incident proton currents up to 40 mA. Record radioactive beam intensities were achieved. A second target station is now being commissioned and will become operational during the fall of 2002. A superconducting linear accelerator extending the RIB energy to 6.5 MeV/u has recently been approved and is now being constructed (ISAC-II). A new 3500 m2 experimental building is being erected. A charge state booster, which will extend the mass range of the accelerated ions from A £ 30 to A £ 150, is also being commissioned. The 500 MeV cyclotron is being refurbished for reliability and upgraded to higher currents. A suitable operational beam tune for a total H- accelerated beam current of 300 mA has been commissioned and is now available to supply beam to four separate extraction proton lines simultaneously.