NUKLEONIKA 2004, 49(Supplement 1):s25-s29
Andrea Cipáková
Regional Public Health Authority, 1 Ipel’ská Str., Košice, Slovak Republic
The amount of radiocaesium in chosen species of mushrooms from localities in eastern Slovakia was studied.
From the obtained results it was found that Macrolepiota procera and Armillariella mellea
are defined by low ability to accumulate caesium. Higher values of 137Cs were measured in
Russula aeruginea and Xerocomus subtomentosus and achieved 869.6 and
322.9 Bg kg-1 dry weight, respectively. Soaking and washing can be used to decrease
radioactivity in mushrooms. Using water and solution of table salt in studied species of mushrooms
decreased the amount of radiocaesium by 33-88%.