NUKLEONIKA 2006, 51(3):161-167
Mohammad Rahgoshay
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
ORIGEN code is a widely used computer code for calculating the buildup, decay, and processing of
radioactive materials. During the past few years, a sustained effort was undertaken by ORNL to update
the original ORIGEN code [4] and its associated data bases. The results of this effort were updated
on the reactor model, cross section, fission product yields, decay data, decay photon data and
the ORIGEN computer code itself. In this paper we have obtained concentration changes of uranium
and plutonium isotopes by ORIGEN code at different burn-up and then the results have been compared
with VVER-1000 results in the first fuel cycle for fuel assemblies with 1.6% enrichment in the
BUSHEHR Nuclear Power Plant.