NUKLEONIKA 2006, 51(4):225-230
Luiz F. Pires1,2, Osny O. S. Bacchi1
1 Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA),
The University of São Paulo, C. P. 96, C. E. P. 13.400-970, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
2 Federal Agrotechnical College of Inconfidentes (EAFI),
C. E. P. 37.576-000, Inconfidentes, MG, Brazil
We present in this work a detailed design of a small low-pressure chamber outfitted with a ceramic
porous plate for evaluating the soil water retention curve (SWRC) in the water potential range
from 0 to -100 kPa. The chamber is made of acrylic and permits the use of one unique soil sample
each time. The use of this chamber allows quick measurements of soil moisture using nuclear
(based on gamma-ray attenuation) and conventional methods and SWRC determinations made with the
designed chamber are in agreement with those obtained using a commercial low-pressure chamber.
The chamber was designed especially for testing the use of the nuclear method as an auxiliary tool
for SWRC determinations but it can be easily adapted for routine investigations and a practical
alternative for the conventional SWRC method.