Jerzy Kroh1, Krzysztof Bobrowski, Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Mieczysław Foryś2, Jerzy Kaleciński3, Janusz Rosiak1, Marian Wolszczak1, Zbigniew Zimek
1Międzyresortowy Instytut Techniki Radiacyjnej, Politechnika Łódzka, Łódź,
2Katedra Chemii Fizycznej, Akademia Siedlecka, Siedlce,
3Instytut Niskich Temperatur i Badań Stukturalnych PAN, Wrocław
Having in mind the world research trends in the field of radiation chemistry and technology, the development of this domain in Poland has been discussed in this report. The condition of apparatus and man power at the Polish scientific institutions and academic centres acting in the above mentioned scientific and technological area has been analyzed. It has been shown that the basic research achievements of national institutions are placing them among the most advanced foreign centres. As to the implemented technological elaborations it may be said that this is one of the few high-tech fields in which Poland can compete with the most advanced centres in the world.