Raporty IChTJ. Seria B nr 3/2010
(Międzylaboratoryjne studium poświęcone oznaczaniu pierwiastków śladowych w dwóch materiałach - kandydatach na materiały odniesienia:
Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves (INCT-OBTL-5) oraz Polish Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6) - raport wstępny)
Zbigniew Samczyński, Rajmund S. Dybczyński, Halina Polkowska-Motrenko, Ewelina Chajduk, Marta Pyszynska,
Bożena Danko, Elżbieta Czerska, Krzysztof Kulisa, Katarzyna Doner, Paweł Kalbarczyk
Two new certified reference materials (CRM) were prepared from two different varieties of tobacco leaves: Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves (INCT-OBTL-5) grown in Greece and Polish Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6) grown in Poland. The consecutive stages involved cutting of dried leaves, grinding, sieving and homogenization. After preliminary homogeneity testing by XRF method the materials were distributed into polypropylene (PP) containers. The final homogeneity testing using NAA and ICP-MS methods revealed good homogeneity of INCT-OBTL-5 as well as INCT-PVTL-6 for the sample mass >= 100 mg. All containers with the materials were then sterilized by electron beam radiation from a linear accelerator. In order to certificate of the new reference materials a worldwide interlaboratory comparison was organized in which 87 laboratories from 18 countries participated. As a results of statistical evaluation of data delivered by the participants and using previously formulated and thoroughly tested criteria it was possible to establish the certified values of concentration for 37 elements in Oriental Basma Tobacco Leaves and the information values for further 17 elements. In case of the material Polish Virginia Tobacco Leaves (INCT-PVTL-6) the certified values were assigned to 36 elements whereas 13 elements gained the status of the information values. Each of certified value is quoted together with its expanded combined standard uncertainty taking into account contributing individual standard uncertainties.