• A. Cebulska-Wasilewska, K. Schneider, J. Capała, J. Coderre
    Biological efficiency of the Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor mixed neutron beam estimated from gene mutations in Tradescantia stamen hair cells assay
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (171 KB),   pp 115-119
  • M. Zieliński, A. Zielińska, H. Papiernik-Zielińska, N. Ogrinc, I. Kobal
    Carbon-13 isotope effect for decarboxylation of phenylpropiolic acid (PPA) in concentrated phosphoric acids
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (102 KB),   pp 121-124
  • J. Sernicki
    Local space charge effect in conventional avalanche counters at moderate specific ionization
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (300 KB),   pp 125-131
  • B. Hryńczuk, R. Weber
    Influence of urea and of chlorocholine chloride on accumulation of 137Cs in spring wheat crops
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (80 KB),   pp 133-135
  • R. Weber, B. Hryńczuk 
    Effect of leaf and soil contaminations on heavy metals content in spring wheat crops
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (76 KB),   pp 137-140
  • M. Aziz, K. Andrzejewski
    Criticality calculations for the spent fuel storage pools for Etrr_1 and Etrr_2 reactors
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (111 KB),   pp 141-144
  • W. Włosiński, A. Krajewski, J. Piekoszewski, J. Stanisławski, L. Waliś 
    Intense pulsed plasma beams in ceramic/metal brazing
    Article full text PDF (46 KB),   pp 145-146