Raporty IChTJ. Seria B no. 1/2007
Sylwester Sommer (and others)
The report reviews briefly methods of dose evaluation after exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation. Validation of two methods
also is described: micronuleus (Mn) frequency estimation according to Müller i Rode and premature chromosome condensation
(PCC) combined with painting of 3 pairs of chromosomes in human lymphocytes.
According to Müller and Rode, micronuleus frequency per binucleated cells with at least one Mn linearly increases with
dose up to 15 Gy and is a suitable end-point for biological dosimetry. These authors, however, examined cells from only one donor.
The data reported below were obtained for 5 donors; they point to a considerable individual variation of thus measured response
to irradiation. Due to the the high degree of interdonor variability, there is no possibility to apply this approach in biological
dosimetry in the dose range 5-20 Gy gamma 60Co radiation. A linear response up to 10 Gy was observed only in the case
of certain donors. In contrast, determination of the dose-effect relationship with the PCC method gave good results (small
inter-individual variation, no plateau effect up to dose 10 Gy), so that with a calibration curve it could be used for dose
estimation after exposure to doses up to 10 Gy of X or gamma 60Co radiation.