Proceedings of the International Conference on Isotopic and Nuclear Analytical Techniques for Health and Environment
10-13 June 2003, Vienna, Austria

  • M. Rossbach 
    Article full text PDF (22 KB),   p. 85
  • S. A. Bamford, D. Wegrzynek, E. Chinea-Cano, A. Markowicz
    Application of X-ray fluorescence techniques for the determination of hazardous and essential trace elements in environmental and biological materials
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (407 KB),   pp 87-95
  • S. W. Fowler, J.-L. Teyssié, O. Cotret, B. Danis, C. Rouleau, M. Warnau
    Applied radiotracer techniques for studying pollutant bioaccumulation in selected marine organisms (jellyfish, crabs and sea stars)
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (73 KB),   pp 97-100
  • D. D. Xu, Z. F. Chai, H. Zhang, X. Y. Mao, H. Ouyang, H. B. Sun
    Study of organohalogens in foodstuffs and environmental samples by neutron activation analysis and related techniques
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (115 KB),   pp 101-106
  • Zs. Kasztovszky, M. Mackowiak de Antczak, A. Antczak, B. Millan, J. Bermúdez, L. Sajo-Bohus
    Provenance study of Amerindian pottery figurines with Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (163 KB),   pp 107-113
  • F. Tzika, I. E. Stamatelatos, J. Kalef-Ezra, P. Bode
    Large Sample Neutron Activation Analysis: correction for neutron and gamma attenuation
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (196 KB),   pp 115-121
  • B. Machaj, P. Urbański
    Influence of aerosol concentration and multivariate processing on the indication of radon progeny concentration in air
    Abstract   Article full text PDF (186 KB),   pp 123-129

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