Professor Andrzej G. Chmielewski, Ph.D., D.Sc. 

Telephone: +(48 22) 504 1205
Fax: +(48 22) 811 1532
E-mail: A.Chmielewski@ichtj.waw.pl

Editorial Office of NUKLEONIKA
Monika Miłaszewska

Telephone: +(48 22) 504 1132
Fax: +(48 22) 811 1532
E-mail: nukleon@ichtj.waw.pl
E-mail: journal.nukleonika@ichtj.waw.pl

Bożena Bursa

Telephone: +(48 22) 504 1068
Fax: +(48 22) 811 1532
E-mail: b.bursa@ichtj.waw.pl

Postal address

Editorial Office of „Nukleonika”
Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology
16 Dorodna Str.
03-195 Warszawa, POLAND


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