For authors and reviewers
The Editor-in-Chief makes a preliminary assessment from the aspect of compatibility of the manuscript within scope of the journal, and in the absence of such compatibility has the right to reject the article.
After qualification of the article for further processing, the manuscript will be sent to two experts in the field. Articles are reviewed anonymously.
On the basis of reviewers opinion, Editor-in-Chief makes the decision concerning or rejection of the article for publication.
Each submitted manuscript is checked against the CrossCheck database to detect (self)-plagiarism.
By submitting your work to Nukleonika, you warrant that it is your original work, that has neither been published elsewhere, nor is under review elsewhere, and that you have secured the necessary written permission from appropriate copyright owner or authority for the reproduction of any text illustration, or other material. If any article submitted to Nukleonika is found to have breached any of these conditions Nukleonika reserves the right to reject that article and any others submitted by the same authors, and may also contact the authors’ affiliated institutions to inform them of its findings.
Nukleonika as a participant of CrossCheck uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.
As the editorial team and Editorial Board aim at maintaining the highest quality of scientific papers published in Nukleonika, they make sure that all the intellectual rights are observed and the reliability of the content of the papers published in the journal is maintained in accordance with the ethical standards established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) at all stages of the reviewing process.
When submitting the manuscript, the author should inform about potential conflicts of interest. If there is no conflict, she/he may declare that The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.
A conflict of interest is a situation when there are commercial, legal, financial, or any other opposing interests that may affect your study. This may include: having financial conflicts of interest (study sponsors, funds, grants, or any financial support); using a company’s resources, time, or equipment for personal gain; working for a competing business; using intellectual property (patents, copyrights, royalties); holding shares in a company which might be influenced by your paper.
For articles published in this journal, the publishing fee is EUR/USD 400 or 1600 PLN.
Payment does not affect acceptance or scheduling of papers. Publication charges are apply when the paper is accepted to print. Manuscript publication fees are due after the galley proof have been delivered by e-mail to the corresponding author. Manuscript will be scheduled for publication after payment.