The activity has been supported by the following research grants from the Polish State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN):
„High coordination numbers of metal ions in chelate complexes”, (nr 3 T09A 016 09; J. Narbutt, 1996-1998)
„Hydration of oxaalkanes in aqueous solutions” (nr 3 T09A 118 14; J. Narbutt, 1998-1999)
„Even-odd effect in the separations of isotopes of f-electron elements by means of electron exchange reaction” (nr 3 T09A 113 15; W. Dembiñski, 1998-2000)
„Tricarbonyl complexes of technetium(I) and rhenium(I) with chelating ligands as radiopharmaceuticals precursors” (nr 4 T09A 110 23; J. Narbutt, 2002-2004)